Monday, 3 March 2014

The Return of Herblog.

Hello Peeps.

Sorry I've been MIA these past few months.

The main reason behind my hiatus from posting has been my Appraisal.  Yep folks, I've been busy churning out the world's biggest poo that is my Annual GP Appraisal, all so that a self-congratulatory, condescending, so-called colleague can patronise me and check I've done my homework properly at the end of the day...... PUR-LEEEZE.  I did not spend 5 years in medical school and countless SHO night-shifts for this s**t!

As you can tell, I'm not the biggest fan of this process.  But the powers that be, with all their infinite wisdom, think that this is what makes me a better doctor, especially after You Know Who did You Know What (read: Shipman, not Voldemort).  Don't get me wrong, I do feel that there does need to be some form of formal objective assessment of all doctors at the end of the day; I just don't think this is the way to do it.  In the wise words of a certain Eric Cartman: "This is a pile of tree-hugging, hippy crap."

If I did come away with anything useful from this process, it's that I need to organise my time a lot better.  I lost my old filofax so was on the lookout for another, but something that was more fun as well as practical.  Cue my latest acquisition....

My Kate Spade Brightspot Avenue Debra Agenda.  Bit of a mouthful, but look how purrr-dey!!  (Sadly, I don't think this is available on the Kate Spade website anymore).

Yep- I've gone all Old School, and am now back to writing down dates, deadlines, lists of things to do.  I need to see at a glance what I need to do for the day, month and even year.  Somehow using the calendar on iPhone just doesn't work for me.  I need to write it all down....

The other thing that we've started doing as a family is actually sitting down with Little H at the table and eating dinner together.  With the hours that Mr H and I put in, it's often difficult for all three of us to eat at the same time, but we've been making more of an effort, and it is starting to pay off dividends.  Little H is eating better (and I truly believe that he eats better at nursery because he sits down with all his other friends), Mr H and I get to eat earlier, which means we have more time to ourselves after Little H is tucked up in bed.  Plus we don't go to bed feeling bloated on a full stomach.  Good news all around.

Hopefully with these little tweaks, I'll be a little less negligent with this blogging lark!